Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
April showers bring May Flowers... You know what else May brings? Motherly love.A few years ago, I worked in my friends Flower shop to earn a few bucks during Valentine's Day week. It was a little cooky since assisting manning orders in a florist shop was a far strain from anything I've ever done before. That said, it was a good experience. Although, I was told it was just a prelude to the craziness for Mother's Day. Yup!I would have thought the Valentine's Day would be hands down the flower day bread winner. Nope, it's Mother's Day. Now that I think of it. May also begins the season of many flower occasions. Such as Communions, Mother's Day, Graduations, Weddings, etc. You get the gist.What if you gave mom something different than a floral arrangement and dinner out? How fun would it be to give a gift that lasted longer energetically than cut flowers and a dinner out or a gift certificate to shop online. As my parents age, it's hard to buy them gifts because they have everything. They're literally beginning us to take what they have because they truly don't use nor need it.Here's what I have to offer: tangible plastic gift cards, e-Gifts cards and Gifts Certificates available on a few platforms and in person. Whatever works best for you. My services are available in person or online (Access Bars® , Access Energetic FaceliftTM and Access Body ProcessTM must be in person). The gift could be for a specific dollar amount or for a specific session or treatment. For example: mom wants to try a Divination Stone Casting because everyone else is getting their Tarot Cards read and wants to be different, we could create a certificate specifically for that. Rather than her feeling like you gave her the "cash" for the reading. When in actuality you gave her the Divination Stone Casting instead without her knowing the value. You could even schedule the date in office or an in home visit. I hope this was helpful. Please email me at or call 201-491-6592 for any questions you may have.Please find a few links that you may find helpful. Remember for Physical Gift Cards or Specialty Certficates give me a call to discuss and order.e-Gifts CardsOnline Gift CertficatesAloha Ms. Vee