Access Bars Class

Garfield, NJ NJ, United States

What is it you’ve been looking for but have never been able to find? There’s a peace and relaxation possible for everyone in the world, and in receiving a simple process for bodies, called Access Bars, it can occur with total ease. Easy to learn, inexpensive and hands-on with a fully trained facilitator guiding you in the technique. By learning or receiving the Access Bars® technique, you can give yourself and your clients, friends, family, and co-workers the care, kindness, and nurturing you require with total ease.

Sound Bath

A Therapy Life Center 132 Midland Ave., Suite A, Garfield, United States

Allow the singing bowls' sound and vibration to wash away your cares and worries. The Sound Bath lasts about an hour. Please be sure to wear something comfortable. Also, bring a bottle of water, a yoga mat, pillows, a bolster, blankets, or whatever you may require to be comfortable. At the end of the session, there will be time to share what messages or Aha’s you received during your journey into relaxation.  

Sound Therapy & Healing Level 1 Class

Moon Magic 432 Hillsdale Ave., Hillsdale, United States

  In this class, you will learn Hands-On how to play Tibetan Singing Bowls on and around the body. In this class you will learn: Difference between Sound Therapy & Sound Healing Science of Sound Healing Chakra Sound Systems & Charts How to Use the Bowl One-on-One Sessions Self-Care Practices Working with Clients At the end of this class, you will receive a Certificate of Completion. You do not need to have your own bowls for class. Total time is approximately 4 hrs. Prior registration is required. Click link to register. Mahalo

Sound Bath

A Therapy Life Center 132 Midland Ave., Suite A, Garfield, United States

  Allow the singing bowls' sound and vibration to wash away your cares and worries. The Sound Bath lasts about an hour. Please be sure to wear something comfortable. Also, bring a bottle of water, a yoga mat, pillows, a bolster, blankets, or whatever you may require to be comfortable. At the end of the session, there will be time to share what messages or Aha’s you received during your journey into relaxation. Sunday, July 23rd/$30 click link to register

Sound Therapy & Healing Level 1 Class

Moon Magic 432 Hillsdale Ave., Hillsdale, United States

In this class, you will learn Hands-On how to play Tibetan Singing Bowls on and around the body. In this class you will learn: Difference between Sound Therapy & Sound Healing Science of Sound Healing Chakra Sound Systems & Charts How to Use the Bowl One-on-One Sessions Self-Care Practices Working with Clients At the end of this class, you will receive a Certificate of Completion. You do not need to have your own bowls for class. Total time is approximately 4 hrs. Prior registration is required. Click link to register. Mahalo

Sound Bath

A Therapy Life Center 132 Midland Ave., Suite A, Garfield, United States

Allow the singing bowls' sound and vibration to wash away your cares and worries. The Sound Bath lasts about an hour. Please be sure to wear something comfortable. Also, bring a bottle of water, a yoga mat, pillows, a bolster, blankets, or whatever you may require to be comfortable. At the end of the session, there will be time to share what messages or Aha’s you received during your journey into relaxation. Aug. 6th/$30 Click link  to register